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Проблемы с топливным насосом (низкий (RPM )


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after I changed the fuel pump problem I have
1 / Low ( RPM) 2 / low engine power 3 / feel the vibration from the engine when the car stops, and more when the gearbox on the ( D) I'm doing 1 / changing fuel Filter 2 / change the spark plug relay 3 / fuel pump * And so far (RPM ) Low Can any one help me ?








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may be a problem in the fuel pump?

Where are you from?


но топливный насос новый ???

что обычно (RPM)?

и я из индейки

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Новый и рабочий - эти слова не синонимы.

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Hi! The best option - to apply to the authorized service!
If you want to try to fix the machine, then try to remove the negative terminal from the battery for 10-15 minutes to clear any errors. I think the problem in the CVT transmission ...
Idle speed, if I have correctly understood the essence of the matter, normal.

Vibration may be in the position D. Remotely here will not help, it is necessary to look at and to touch ...)))
It is better to contact the service ...

Good luck!

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we got you) you are from Turkey. Why do you think your RPM are too low? According to pics they are normal. They should be - 800 +-50

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Hi! The best option - to apply to the authorized service!

If you want to try to fix the machine, then try to remove the negative terminal from the battery for 10-15 minutes to clear any errors. I think the problem in the CVT transmission ...

Idle speed, if I have correctly understood the essence of the matter, normal.

Vibration may be in the position D. Remotely here will not help, it is necessary to look at and to touch ...)))

It is better to contact the service ...

Good luck!





I dont think its from cvt transmission because all problems begin when I change the fuel pump I feel there no power in the engine and the RPM was on 1000 now on 800 if some can show me the RPM in his car to I know if my RPM is normal . and I remove the battery for 30 min and the problem not go ,,
thanks you  :)
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we got you) you are from Turkey. Why do you think your RPM are too low? According to pics they are normal. They should be - 800 +-50


the RPM was on 1000 now its low !!

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