impala96 Опубликовано 17 марта Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 17 марта 22 часа назад, FAnL сказал: It is a very difficult task to determine what a connector is for. Offhand (if you have not encountered this in the process of work) it is almost impossible without seeing the car in person. And the Chinese throw up riddles with connectors dangling aimlessly. And then for different modifications and connectors are different. Of course, there is a basis, but what are the nuances? You can set a goal and with the help of Electrical diagrams ... try to determine what kind of connector it is. It is in Russian, but you can find it in English on the Internet. ❤️ Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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